
Deep beneath the Earth’s surface, hidden at a depth of over 5,100km, lies the Earth’s inner core. This inner core is a solid sphere made of iron and nickel, and it plays a critical role in shaping the conditions that exist on the surface of our planet. Without the inner core, life as we know it would not be possible.

One of the main functions of the Earth’s inner core is to generate the planet’s magnetic field. This magnetic field acts as a protective shield, safeguarding us from harmful solar radiation. The presence of this magnetic field may have been essential in creating the conditions that allowed life to thrive on Earth billions of years ago.

Over time, the Earth’s inner core has transitioned from a liquid state to a solid state. As the Earth cools down gradually, the inner core expands outward as the surrounding iron-rich liquid freezes. Despite being solid, the inner core remains incredibly hot, with temperatures reaching at least 5,000 Kelvin (4726.85°C).

The process of the inner core freezing releases elements like oxygen and carbon that are not compatible with being in a hot solid state. This leads to the formation of a hot, buoyant liquid at the bottom of the outer core. This liquid rises and mixes with the outer core, creating electric currents through “dynamo action,” which ultimately generates the Earth’s magnetic field.

To unravel the mystery of the Earth’s inner core, geophysicists rely on models that simulate the thermal state of the core and mantle. One of the challenges scientists face is understanding the process of “supercooling,” where a liquid is cooled below its freezing point without solidifying. This phenomenon has implications for the formation and evolution of the Earth’s inner core.

While scientists cannot physically access the Earth’s core beyond a depth of 12km, they use seismology to study the planet’s interior. The inner core was discovered in 1936, and its size, approximately 20% of Earth’s radius, is well-documented. This information helps estimate the core’s temperature and provides insights into the supercooling required for the formation of the inner core.

Mineral physicists have conducted experiments with pure iron and other mixtures to determine the extent of supercooling needed for the inner core to form. These studies have revealed unexpected crystal structures and the presence of carbon, indicating that factors beyond traditional models may influence supercooling requirements.

The implications of understanding the formation of the Earth’s inner core are profound. By gaining insights into the inner core’s history and age, scientists can better comprehend the Earth’s magnetic field and its role in creating habitable conditions for life. Further research into the inner core’s formation and evolution is crucial for expanding our understanding of the planet’s geological processes and the conditions that support life on Earth.