
Hasbro CEO, Chris Cocks, recently revealed at a Goldman Sachs conference that the company has already started using AI in the development of games like “Dungeons & Dragons” and “Magic: The Gathering.” This decision comes on the heels of a series of AI scandals at Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro.

Cocks mentioned that they have been using machine-learning-based AI and proprietary AI in game development. He expressed his excitement about the playful elements of AI and how it is being used by players for campaign development, character development, and story ideas in D&D gameplay.

Despite the controversy surrounding the use of AI in gaming, Cocks emphasized the benefits of AI in enabling user-generated content, streamlining new player introduction, and creating emergent storytelling. This approach is expected to be implemented across multiple brands within Hasbro, not just limited to hardcore brands like D&D.

The decision to integrate AI into game development and gameplay has sparked mixed reactions among fans and the gaming community. While some see the potential for enhanced gaming experiences, others are concerned about the ethical implications and potential negative impact on the creative process.

It is worth noting that Wizards of the Coast faced backlash for initially banning AI in artwork creation but later admitting to using generative AI to create an ad for “Magic.” The company has since issued a statement addressing the controversy and reassuring fans of their commitment to upholding ethical standards in game development.

As the gaming industry continues to explore the possibilities of AI integration, it remains to be seen how players and creators will adapt to this new technological landscape. While AI has the potential to revolutionize gaming experiences, it also raises important questions about creativity, ethics, and the future of game development.