
Squirrel With a Gun is a game that may catch your attention with its quirky title, but unfortunately, it falls short of delivering an engaging and enjoyable gaming experience. The game revolves around a squirrel armed with various weapons, offering a sandbox environment for players to explore and solve physics-based puzzles. However, the controls are clunky, the humor is lacking, and the combat feels unsatisfying.

In terms of the story, there isn’t much depth to speak of, as the game primarily focuses on the squirrel’s quest to collect golden acorns and take down government agents. The lack of a compelling narrative is somewhat compensated by the game’s attempts at humor, but these moments are few and far between. The combat mechanics are also underwhelming, with enemies that are easy to defeat and limited variety in takedown animations.

On the bright side, the puzzle-platforming elements of the game offer a bit more engagement, requiring players to use logic and creativity to overcome challenges. However, the platforming is hindered by imprecise controls and a problematic camera, making precise movements difficult. Additionally, technical issues such as glitches, crashes, and optimization problems further detract from the overall experience.

While Squirrel With a Gun may not be a terrible game, it also doesn’t leave a lasting impression. Playing through the game feels like a mediocre way to pass the time, without any standout features or memorable moments. Ultimately, Squirrel With a Gun ends up being forgettable and fails to fully capitalize on its unique premise. So, if you’re looking for a truly engaging and enjoyable gaming experience, you may want to look elsewhere.