
City Hall was abuzz with the news of NYPD Police Edward Caban’s resignation last Thursday. While some officials welcomed the decision, others are curious about the future of the Adams administration, as the city’s top cop prepares to step down.

In addition to Caban’s resignation, federal investigators raided the homes of top aides to the mayor, including First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. The reasons for these raids and who the targets are remain unclear. With all these investigations ongoing, city politicians are questioning Mayor Eric Adams’ ability to govern effectively.

City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli commended Caban for stepping down, stating that it is in the best interest of the department to not face any potential charges or interviews with the DOJ. Speaker Adrienne Adams expressed concerns about the distractions caused by the investigations within the administration.

Public Advocate Jumaane Williams emphasized the need for strong leadership and improved communication from the mayor. He stressed that accountability is essential, regardless of one’s position of authority. Councilwoman Julie Won echoed this sentiment, stating that those in executive roles cannot deflect their responsibilities.

Mayor Adams appointed Tom Donlon as interim police commissioner, but Councilman Erik Bottcher believes that the City Council should have a say in the final selection. He emphasized the importance of choosing a commissioner who has widespread support.

Despite all the turmoil, Mayor Adams thanked Caban for his service and expressed confidence in the new police commissioner. Caban’s resignation will be effective on Friday, September 13th at 5 p.m.

As the city awaits the appointment of a new police commissioner and navigates through the ongoing investigations, it remains to be seen how the Adams administration will move forward in the coming days. The need for transparency, accountability, and effective leadership will be crucial in rebuilding trust and restoring stability within City Hall.