
Edward Caban recently made headlines as the police commissioner with the shortest tenure since Richard Condon in 1990, who served under former Mayor Ed Koch. With Caban’s resignation, this marks the third change in leadership at the NYPD since Mayor Eric Adams assumed office.

The first commissioner under Mayor Adams, Keechant Sewell, resigned in June 2023, leading to a series of shifts in the department’s top brass. To shed light on the history of scandals within the NYPD, investigative journalist Tom Robbins joined NY1 political anchor Errol Louis on “Inside City Hall.”

During the interview, Robbins delved into the deep-rooted issues that have plagued the NYPD over the years. From corruption and misconduct to abuse of power, the department has faced numerous challenges that have tarnished its reputation. Robbins highlighted the importance of holding those in power accountable and ensuring transparency within law enforcement agencies.

One of the most notable scandals in NYPD history was the Knapp Commission in the 1970s, which uncovered widespread corruption within the department. This led to significant reforms and changes in the way the NYPD operated. However, as Robbins pointed out, scandals have continued to emerge in the years since, indicating that more work needs to be done to address systemic issues within the department.

Robbins also discussed the role of police commissioners in overseeing the NYPD and the challenges they face in maintaining accountability and integrity. With frequent turnover in leadership, it can be difficult to implement long-term changes and reforms within the department. This revolving door of leadership can hinder progress and perpetuate a culture of misconduct and corruption.

As the NYPD continues to grapple with scandals and controversies, Robbins emphasized the importance of independent oversight and accountability mechanisms to ensure transparency and uphold the rule of law. By shining a light on past scandals and learning from past mistakes, the NYPD can work towards rebuilding trust with the community and improving its reputation.

Overall, the conversation between Tom Robbins and Errol Louis provided valuable insights into the history of scandals at the NYPD and the challenges that lie ahead for the department. By addressing systemic issues and holding those in power accountable, the NYPD can move towards a more transparent and accountable future.