
Federal authorities are honing in on a Florida technology company, Saferwatch, that hired the brother of two of Mayor Eric Adams’ top officials. The investigation follows reports of Saferwatch’s attempts to influence Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks and Schools Chancellor David Banks to implement its emergency alert app in New York City public schools. Terence Banks, the sibling in question, claimed Saferwatch as a client of his government relations firm, sparking heightened scrutiny from federal agencies.

The intensified focus on Saferwatch comes after a recent report by THE CITY revealed the company’s efforts to sway key figures within City Hall. Saferwatch’s push to deploy its “panic button” app in city schools began in 2022, prompting the hiring of lobbyist Corey Johnson, a former City Council speaker. Johnson met with Deputy Mayor Banks and Schools Chancellor David Banks in late 2022 and early 2023 to pitch the product, setting off a chain of events that are now under investigation.

Saferwatch’s engagement with the Banks brothers culminated in an alleged swift response from Deputy Mayor Banks following a meeting with Johnson and his chief of staff. Just three days later, Banks met with Kevin Taylor, head of the NYPD’s school safety unit, to discuss the implementation of a “panic button” test run in select schools. The subsequent involvement of the Banks brothers with Saferwatch’s agenda has raised questions and drawn the attention of federal authorities.

Amidst the unfolding investigation, Saferwatch’s spokesperson, veteran New York City political consultant Hank Sheinkopf, has neither confirmed nor denied any search conducted by federal authorities. Sheinkopf emphasized the company’s collaboration with law enforcement agencies, schools, and businesses across the country, asserting that Saferwatch and its employees are not the primary focus of the probe.

The tangled web of connections between Saferwatch, the Banks brothers, and City Hall insiders has now become a focal point for Manhattan U.S. Attorney Damian Williams. As part of a broader investigation into the Adams administration, the scrutiny on Saferwatch’s efforts to secure city business has shed light on potential conflicts of interest and questionable lobbying practices within the government.


Saferwatch’s Lobbying Tactics Unveiled
Amid mounting scrutiny, details of Saferwatch’s lobbying tactics to infiltrate New York City public schools have emerged, shedding light on the company’s aggressive pursuit of lucrative government contracts. The hiring of former City Council speaker Corey Johnson as a lobbyist marked the beginning of Saferwatch’s efforts to influence key decision-makers within City Hall.

Johnson’s meetings with Deputy Mayor Philip Banks and Schools Chancellor David Banks set the stage for a series of interactions that have now come under federal investigation. The company’s persistent push for the implementation of its “panic button” app in city schools raises concerns about the transparency and integrity of the procurement process within the Adams administration.

As Saferwatch’s lobbying efforts intensified, the involvement of the Banks brothers, particularly Terence Banks, who claimed the company as a client of his government relations firm, added another layer of complexity to the unfolding scandal. The swift response from Deputy Mayor Banks following a meeting with Johnson and subsequent discussions with NYPD officials about a test run of the “panic button” in select schools further fueled suspicions of impropriety.

The Fallout from Federal Raids
The recent raids on the homes of the Banks brothers and other top aides to Mayor Adams have sent shockwaves through City Hall, prompting resignations and raising questions about the ethical standards of the administration. The FBI’s visits to key officials, including Police Commissioner Edward Caban, have cast a shadow over the mayor’s leadership and sparked calls for accountability and transparency.

The decision by Commissioner Caban to resign in the wake of the federal raids underscores the gravity of the situation and the potential implications for the Adams administration. As the investigation unfolds and more details emerge about the extent of Saferwatch’s influence on City Hall insiders, the public remains wary of the implications for public safety and government integrity.

Ensuring Accountability and Transparency
In the midst of the ongoing investigation into Saferwatch’s lobbying activities and the involvement of City Hall insiders, calls for accountability and transparency have grown louder. The need for robust oversight and ethical standards within the government has never been more apparent, as revelations of potential conflicts of interest and undue influence continue to surface.

As federal authorities delve deeper into the connections between Saferwatch, the Banks brothers, and the Adams administration, the importance of upholding the public trust and safeguarding the integrity of government institutions cannot be overstated. Moving forward, it is imperative that measures are put in place to prevent similar incidents and ensure that the interests of the public are prioritized above all else.