
Bronx Unity: Honoring 9/11 Victims with Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson

Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson led a moving 9/11 Day of Remembrance ceremony at Lou Gehrig Plaza on September 12, 2024. The event brought together local officials, first responders, and community members to pay tribute to the lives lost in the tragic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The ceremony, organized in collaboration with officials from the Supreme Court of Bronx County, drew a crowd of approximately 100 people who gathered to reflect, remember, and stand in solidarity with those affected by the events of that fateful day.

Remembering the Bronx Residents Lost on 9/11

During her speech at the ceremony, Borough President Gibson emphasized the significance of coming together annually to honor the memory of the 144 Bronx residents who perished in the attacks. She highlighted the pain felt by many 9/11 families who continue to mourn their loved ones every day, underscoring the importance of never forgetting the impact of that tragic day. The gathering served as a poignant reminder of the deep connection between the Bronx community and the events of 9/11, with attendees standing together to commemorate the lives lost and honor their enduring legacy.

Reflections on Resilience and Unity

Throughout the ceremony, various speakers shared their personal reflections on the day’s significance and the enduring impact of 9/11 on the Bronx community. NYPD Assistant Chief Benjamin Gurley recounted the harrowing experience of that day, recalling the chaos and devastation that unfolded in the city. He shared a personal connection to the tragedy, highlighting the loss of his friend, Captain Janelle Sanders, to 9/11-related cancer in 2022. Gurley’s emotional recounting of the events underscored the lasting effects of the attacks on both individuals and the community as a whole.

9/11 first responder and Bronx attorney Sergio Villaverde also spoke at the ceremony, emphasizing the messages of love and connection that defined the final moments of many victims. He reflected on the phone calls made by those affected by the attacks, noting that they were messages of love and compassion rather than hate. Villaverde’s poignant reminder of the power of love in the face of tragedy resonated with attendees, highlighting the resilience and unity that have emerged in the aftermath of 9/11.

State Sen. Jose Serrano offered his perspective on the collective trauma and confusion that gripped the city in the wake of the attacks. He spoke of the challenges of processing such unprecedented events, noting the absence of a point of reference for the magnitude of the tragedy. Serrano’s reflections underscored the profound impact of 9/11 on the Bronx community and the ongoing efforts to grapple with the lasting repercussions of that fateful day.

Community Resilience and the Legacy of 9/11

As the names of the victims were read aloud, the somber atmosphere at Lou Gehrig Plaza was balanced by a shared sense of community, resilience, and the determination to pass on the story of 9/11 to future generations. Attendees, many of whom were personally affected by the attacks, stood together in remembrance and solidarity, honoring the lives lost and reaffirming their commitment to never forget the events of that tragic day. The ceremony served as a powerful testament to the strength and unity of the Bronx community in the face of adversity, highlighting the enduring legacy of 9/11 and the importance of honoring those who were lost.

In closing, the 9/11 Day of Remembrance ceremony at Lou Gehrig Plaza stood as a poignant tribute to the victims of the attacks and a testament to the resilience and unity of the Bronx community. As attendees reflected on the events of that tragic day, they reaffirmed their commitment to remembering and honoring the lives lost, ensuring that the legacy of 9/11 continues to shape and inspire future generations.