
Long Island Man Sentenced to 15 Years for Drug-Impaired Wrong-Way Crash

A Long Island man, Virgilio Rodriguez, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for causing a devastating wrong-way collision in East Williamsburg three years ago. The incident took place at the intersection of Johnson Street and Bushwick Place, where Rodriguez crashed head-on into an Uber carrying two passengers. The reckless act left a woman paralyzed from the neck down and severely injured the other occupants of the vehicle.

Reckless Driving Under the Influence

Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Eugene Guarino handed down the sentence of 7 to 15 years following Rodriguez’s conviction on charges of aggravated vehicular assault, second-degree assault, and driving while impaired by drugs. The jury found Rodriguez guilty on Aug. 2, holding him accountable for his reckless actions that resulted in life-altering consequences for the victims involved.

The Devastating Collision

On the fateful day of Nov. 6, 2021, Rodriguez was driving a Ford F-150 truck in East Williamsburg when he ran a red light and turned onto Bushwick Place, a one-way street, driving in the wrong direction. This reckless maneuver led to a head-on collision with the Uber, causing both vehicles to crash onto the sidewalk and into a nearby building. The aftermath of the crash was chaotic, with Rodriguez exiting his truck and stripping naked in the street before fleeing the scene.

Upon his apprehension by the police, Rodriguez exhibited signs of drug impairment, with authorities discovering PCP and marijuana in his truck. Further investigation revealed that Rodriguez was driving with a revoked license at the time of the incident, highlighting a pattern of disregard for traffic laws and public safety.

Impact on the Victims

The consequences of Rodriguez’s actions were severe, particularly for the occupants of the Uber involved in the collision. The 28-year-old female passenger sustained critical injuries, requiring emergency spinal surgery and subsequent months on a ventilator at Mount Sinai Hospital. Despite medical intervention, she remains paralyzed from the neck down and in need of continuous medical care, facing a lifetime of challenges as a result of Rodriguez’s reckless decision to drive under the influence of drugs.

The second passenger, a 27-year-old woman, and the 39-year-old Uber driver also suffered injuries in the crash, albeit less severe than those of their companion. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by impaired driving and the devastating impact it can have on innocent individuals going about their daily lives.

Prosecution and Accountability

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez condemned Rodriguez’s actions, emphasizing the need for accountability and justice in cases of drug-impaired driving. Gonzalez stated, “This defendant’s reckless decision to drive while under the influence of drugs forever altered the life of a young woman, leaving her with catastrophic injuries and a lifetime of challenges.”

The district attorney’s office remains committed to pursuing justice for victims of such incidents and ensuring that individuals like Rodriguez are held accountable for their actions. The callous disregard for the law and human life displayed by Rodriguez on that fateful night serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by individuals who choose to drive while impaired.

In conclusion, the sentencing of Virgilio Rodriguez to 15 years in prison serves as a reminder of the severe consequences of reckless driving under the influence of drugs. The victims of the wrong-way collision in East Williamsburg continue to grapple with the physical and emotional aftermath of the crash, underscoring the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions on the road. As we move forward, it is imperative that we prioritize safety and responsibility behind the wheel to prevent further tragedies like the one that unfolded on that fateful night.