
Nicholas Dominici, a young toddler tragically killed by exposure to fentanyl at his day care in 2023, was recently honored by the Kingsbridge community in the Bronx. On September 15, 2024, a street co-naming ceremony took place to commemorate the life of the infant. The event was attended by community members, elected officials, and the family of Nicholas Dominici, who was just one year old when he lost his life due to the exposure to the dangerous drug.

Remembering Nicholas Dominici

The intersection of Kingsbridge Road and Kingsbridge Terrace now bears the name Nicholas Otoniel Feliz Dominici Way in memory of the young child. Nicholas’ tragic death not only devastated his family but also shook the entire west Bronx community. The incident shed light on the lack of consistent regulation for home-based day cares, as authorities discovered a stash of fentanyl and drug paraphernalia at the facility where the children were cared for.

Nicholas’ parents, Otoniel Feliz and Zoila Dominici, along with their other children, bravely faced the difficult day of the street co-naming ceremony. The family, supported by their community, expressed their deep sorrow over the loss of Nicholas and urged neighbors to remain vigilant against suspicious behaviors that could endanger other children.

Addressing Day Care Safety

The tragedy surrounding Nicholas Dominici’s death prompted a closer look at the regulations and oversight of home-based day cares in the Bronx and beyond. While the now-closed day care where Nicholas died was properly licensed and had passed its initial inspection, the presence of fentanyl highlighted the gaps in monitoring and enforcement that exist in the system.

Currently, there are 28 group family day cares in the Bronx facing potential license denial, revocation, or suspension due to violations found during city inspections. This underscores the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of children in these care facilities.

Legislation and Community Response

In response to Nicholas Dominici’s tragic passing, officials at every level of government have introduced legislation and funding to enhance neighborhood safety, improve staff training at day care facilities, and raise awareness among parents about their rights. Sen. Gustavo Rivera and Assembly Member George Alvarez have sponsored bills aimed at developing substance and overdose prevention training for day care staff and increasing transparency for parents.

At the city level, Council Member Pierina Sanchez has put forth four bills focused on improving the oversight of day cares, including training for inspectors, outreach campaigns for staff training, informing parents of their rights, and advocating for state-level legislation. These efforts aim to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future and to ensure the safety of children in day care settings.

Looking Towards the Future

The community’s response to Nicholas Dominici’s death has been one of unity and action. U.S. Rep. Adriano Espaillat has secured funding for the West Bronx Gun Violence Reduction Partnership, which will work to address the root causes of crime and improve engagement between law enforcement and the community. These initiatives are crucial in creating a safer environment for children to grow up in and honoring the memory of Nicholas.

As the legal proceedings related to Nicholas Dominici’s death continue, District Attorney Darcel Clark has vowed to stand by the family throughout the process and beyond. The case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of children in all environments, including day care facilities.

In conclusion, the street co-naming ceremony honoring Nicholas Dominici in the Bronx serves as a poignant reminder of the need for greater oversight and regulation of home-based day cares to prevent tragedies like his death from happening again. The community’s response, through legislative action and community engagement, demonstrates a commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children in care facilities. Nicholas’ memory will live on as a catalyst for positive change and a reminder of the importance of vigilance in protecting our most vulnerable members of society.