
Country singer and songwriter Joshua Ray Walker recently made a courageous announcement to his fans regarding his health. After completing his chemotherapy treatment, Walker shared that unfortunately, his colon cancer has spread to both of his lungs. This unexpected news has shifted the odds, and his prognosis is now more challenging than before.

Walker expressed his gratitude for the support he has received during his treatment and mentioned that his body has been handling the chemotherapy reasonably well. He has started to rebuild his strength and immune system, but the discovery of multiple nodes in his lungs has put a damper on his progress.

Before starting his treatment, Walker was told that he had a 90% chance of having clear tests following chemotherapy. However, the new growth in his lungs has changed the situation, and his cancer will likely be restaged to stage 4. He is scheduled to undergo a lung biopsy and will start radiation soon, but he is still waiting to meet with a radiology oncologist for more information.

Despite the challenging news, Walker remains optimistic and determined to fight his hardest. He has launched a GoFundMe page to help support him financially during this upcoming battle and expressed his gratitude for the continued love and support from his fans.

This update comes after Walker initially shared his colon cancer diagnosis in December 2023. He underwent surgery and started chemotherapy treatments to combat the disease. Now, with the cancer spreading to his lungs, Walker is facing a new set of challenges, but he is determined to continue living life to the fullest and beat the odds.

As Walker navigates this new phase of his cancer journey, he promises to keep his fans updated on his progress. He is grateful for the outpouring of support he has received and is ready to face this battle head-on with courage and strength. Walker’s resilience and positive attitude serve as an inspiration to many, and his music continues to touch the hearts of his fans as he bravely faces this new chapter in his life.