
Schools Chancellor David Banks recently addressed reporters regarding a federal investigation that resulted in the seizure of his cellphones and those of his two brothers and other administration officials. Despite the ongoing investigation, Banks emphasized his unwavering commitment to integrity, stating that he has always lived his life with honesty and integrity.

During a media availability session, Banks shared details about the FBI’s visit to his home, where agents requested his personal and education department cellphones. He clarified that the visit was not a raid and lasted approximately 30 minutes. Banks, along with his two brothers, Deputy Mayor Phil Banks and Terence Banks, had their phones seized by the FBI. The investigation also involved the seizure of electronics from Police Commissioner Edward Caban, who later resigned.

While Banks maintained that he is not the target of the investigation, he refrained from discussing specific details and questions related to his interactions with his brother Terence, who launched a lobbying firm. When asked about potential implications for students amid the investigation, Banks highlighted the importance of understanding that one’s name being associated with an investigation does not imply guilt.

In response to inquiries from reporters, including whether he had taken meetings with his brother Terence regarding his lobbying career, Banks expressed his inability to respond to certain questions due to the ongoing federal investigation. He reiterated his cooperation with the authorities while emphasizing the need to respect the investigative process.

Banks’ unwavering commitment to integrity and his willingness to address the media amidst the investigation reflect his determination to lead the nation’s largest school system with transparency and accountability. As the investigation unfolds, Banks remains focused on his responsibilities as Schools Chancellor, prioritizing the well-being and education of students under his care.