
Why Vice Admiral John Morgan Endorses Andrea Morse for Congress

As a lifelong Republican and highly decorated veteran, Vice Admiral John Morgan brings a unique perspective to the endorsement of Andrea Morse for Congress. With over 36 years of service in the U.S. Navy, including commanding the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier strike group on Sept. 11, 2001, Vice Admiral Morgan understands the importance of strong leadership in times of crisis. He emphasizes the need for leaders who not only talk about issues but also take decisive action when it matters most.

Staten Island and southern Brooklyn face a multitude of challenges, from immigration to public safety, law enforcement, economic stability, and access to healthcare. These issues are interconnected with the community’s sense of security, whether it be feeling safe in neighborhoods, trusting in a stable economy, or ensuring rights are protected. Vice Admiral Morgan’s extensive experience in national security underscores the significance of having a competent and dedicated individual in Congress to address these pressing needs.

Andrea Morse: A Trusted Leader with Deep Roots in the Community

Andrea Morse, a third-generation Staten Islander, embodies the values of hard work and perseverance that define the local community. As the granddaughter of a union machinist and the wife of a union carpenter, she understands the challenges faced by working families. With a background as a trusted estates lawyer and small business owner, Andrea has a comprehensive understanding of the issues impacting local residents and businesses.

Vice Admiral Morgan praises Andrea Morse as more than just a candidate but as a dedicated advocate with the skills, determination, and commitment needed to fight for the people of Staten Island and southern Brooklyn. Her deep roots in the community, coupled with her professional expertise, make her a formidable leader capable of addressing the diverse needs of the district.

Why Andrea Morse Stands Out

Andrea Morse’s platform focuses on critical issues such as immigration reform, public safety, law enforcement, economic stability, and healthcare access. Her stance on these matters aligns with the concerns of the local population, emphasizing the need for practical solutions and decisive action. With a track record of community engagement and a strong commitment to serving the public, Andrea Morse stands out as a candidate who prioritizes the well-being of her constituents.

Vice Admiral Morgan’s endorsement of Andrea Morse underscores the importance of electing leaders who have a deep understanding of the community’s needs and the ability to navigate complex challenges. Andrea’s combination of local roots, professional experience, and dedication to public service make her a compelling choice for Congress in Staten Island and southern Brooklyn.