
Former Fire Department Chiefs Arrested on Bribery and Corruption Charges: A Deep Dive

In a shocking turn of events, two retired Fire Department chiefs have been arrested on bribery and corruption charges. The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, shed light on the indictment of Chief of Fire Prevention Anthony Saccavino and Chief Brian Cordasco at a press conference on September 16, 2024. This development has sent shockwaves through the city, raising concerns about the integrity and ethics of those tasked with ensuring public safety.

Charges and Allegations

Saccavino and Cordasco, who both held senior positions at the Fire Prevention Bureau, have been accused of misusing their authority for personal financial gain. The federal indictment alleges that the two chiefs solicited and accepted over $190,000 in bribe payments from a retired FDNY firefighter, Henry Santiago Jr., between 2021 and 2023. Santiago Jr., now a cooperating individual who pleaded guilty in the scheme, operated a business that purportedly expedited planned Fire Prevention inspections for various projects in the city.

The indictment details how Saccavino and Cordasco allegedly created a “VIP lane” for faster service, allowing certain individuals to bypass the regular inspection process in exchange for bribes. This pay-to-play scheme not only undermined the integrity of the Fire Department but also compromised public safety by prioritizing the interests of a select few over the general population.

Covering Their Tracks

To cover their tracks and conceal their illicit activities, Saccavino and Cordasco reportedly deposited the bribe payments in different bank accounts. Saccavino funneled his kickbacks into an account purportedly owned by his wife’s company, while Cordasco used a corporate account for his own purported business. This deliberate attempt to obfuscate the source of the funds speaks to the calculated nature of their actions and the lengths to which they were willing to go to conceal their wrongdoing.

Collaboration with Federal Agencies

The investigation into Saccavino and Cordasco’s alleged misconduct was a collaborative effort between the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the FBI, and the city’s Department of Investigation (DOI). The coordinated approach to uncovering and prosecuting corruption within the Fire Department underscores the commitment of law enforcement agencies to upholding the rule of law and holding accountable those who betray the public trust.

Response from Fire Commissioner Robert Tucker

In response to the indictment of the former chiefs, Fire Commissioner Robert Tucker emphasized the importance of integrity and ethical conduct within the FDNY. He reiterated the department’s commitment to cooperating fully with ongoing investigations and ensuring that every member upholds their sworn oath to serve with honesty and integrity. Tucker’s statement reflects the gravity of the situation and the urgency of addressing any breaches of trust within the ranks of the Fire Department.

Connection to City Hall Investigations

The bribery and corruption charges against Saccavino and Cordasco have raised questions about the relationship between their actions and the broader context of investigations involving City Hall. Reports of a list of projects, known as the Deputy Mayor for Operations (DMO) List, that were fast-tracked for inspections have added another layer of complexity to the case. Cordasco’s internal email expressing concerns about expediting inspections on behalf of City Hall suggests a potential link between the chiefs’ scheme and the city’s regulatory processes.

Implications for Mayor Eric Adams’ Administration

The timing of the indictment, coming amid a series of federal investigations into Mayor Eric Adams’ administration, has heightened scrutiny on the city’s leadership. While the charges against Saccavino and Cordasco appear to be unrelated to the probes into the mayor’s 2021 campaign, the alleged use of the DMO list to conceal their bribery scheme raises concerns about potential collusion between city officials and those seeking to circumvent regulatory oversight.

Future Developments

As the investigation into the former chiefs’ misconduct unfolds, the public will be closely watching for updates and new revelations. The implications of this case extend beyond the individuals involved, highlighting broader issues of accountability, transparency, and ethical governance within the Fire Department and city government. Only through a thorough and impartial investigation can the full extent of the corruption be exposed and justice served.


The arrest of two retired Fire Department chiefs on bribery and corruption charges has sent shockwaves through the city, raising concerns about ethical conduct and accountability within the FDNY. The allegations of a pay-to-play scheme that prioritized certain individuals over public safety underscore the need for vigilance in upholding the integrity of our public institutions. As the investigation continues, the public must remain vigilant in demanding transparency and accountability from those entrusted with ensuring the safety and well-being of all New Yorkers.