
Mayor Eric Adams Takes Strong Stance to Address FDNY Corruption Scandal

In a bold move to distance his administration from the recent federal corruption charges brought against two former Fire Department chiefs, Mayor Eric Adams took decisive steps on Monday to address the ongoing scandal. The charges allege that the chiefs were involved in a pay-to-play scheme that resulted in over $190,000 in illicit gains. During a news conference unrelated to the scandal, Mayor Adams emphasized that the alleged misconduct occurred during the administration of his predecessor, Bill de Blasio.

“When action is taken during an administration, people rarely look and see when the action initiated,” Adams stated. “The action initiated under another administration. And I think sometimes we skip over that.” He also highlighted that former Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh promptly reported the alleged scheme to the city’s Department of Investigation once it came to her attention.

Adams reiterated that his administration took swift action upon becoming aware of the corruption allegations and fully cooperated with the authorities. The indictment targeted former FDNY Chiefs Anthony Saccavino and Brian Cordasco, both of whom retired earlier this year. The charges accuse them of accepting bribes from another retired firefighter, Henry Santiago Jr., who offered expedited fire safety inspections in exchange for substantial payments.

The scandal has stirred controversy and raised questions about potential systemic issues within the FDNY. Despite the allegations, Mayor Adams vehemently denied the existence of a reported internal list of construction projects known as the “Deputy Mayor for Operations (DMO) List” that allegedly facilitated the fast-tracking of inspections. The list, mentioned in the indictment, is reportedly being scrutinized as part of a separate investigation into the mayor’s 2021 campaign.

Addressing the allegations surrounding the DMO List, Adams stood firm in his denial of its existence within his administration. He emphasized that the list mentioned in the indictment was internal to the FDNY, not City Hall. Meera Joshi, the current Deputy Mayor for Operations, echoed Adams’ sentiments, clarifying that efforts were made to address a backlog of building inspections through a comprehensive report named “Get Stuff Built.”

The federal investigation and indictment of the two FDNY chiefs come at a challenging time for the Adams administration, which is facing multiple probes and scandals. In addition to the ongoing investigations into the chiefs and the mayor’s 2021 campaign, City Hall is now grappling with at least three other federal inquiries, two of which were recently made public. These investigations have led to the resignation of two high-ranking officials within the Adams administration, further complicating the situation.

Subheading 1: Mayor Adams’ Strong Response to Corruption Allegations

Mayor Eric Adams has taken a firm stance in response to the corruption allegations against the two former FDNY chiefs, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability within his administration. By swiftly addressing the scandal and distancing City Hall from the indicted individuals, Adams aims to uphold the integrity of his office and restore public trust in the government’s operations.

In his public statements, Adams has underscored the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of when the alleged misconduct took place. By acknowledging that the wrongdoing occurred under the previous administration, Adams seeks to clarify any misconceptions and ensure that his administration is not unfairly implicated in the corruption scandal. This proactive approach reflects Adams’ commitment to ethical governance and zero tolerance for misconduct within City Hall.

Subheading 2: Challenges Faced by the FDNY Amidst Corruption Allegations

The corruption allegations against the two former FDNY chiefs have cast a shadow over the department and raised concerns about the integrity of its operations. The pay-to-play scheme uncovered by federal authorities underscores the vulnerabilities within the FDNY’s oversight mechanisms and the potential for abuse of power by high-ranking officials. As the investigation unfolds, the FDNY must address these systemic issues and implement stricter controls to prevent similar misconduct in the future.

The indictment of Chiefs Saccavino and Cordasco has also highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability within the FDNY. By allegedly accepting bribes in exchange for expediting fire safety inspections, the former chiefs compromised the department’s integrity and eroded public trust in its ability to uphold safety standards. Moving forward, the FDNY must prioritize ethical conduct and adherence to regulations to restore confidence in its operations and maintain the public’s safety and well-being.

Subheading 3: Impact of Ongoing Federal Investigations on the Adams Administration

The series of federal investigations facing the Adams administration has created a challenging environment for City Hall, with multiple probes scrutinizing different aspects of the government’s operations. The scandals surrounding the FDNY corruption allegations, the mayor’s 2021 campaign, and other undisclosed matters have put Mayor Adams under intense scrutiny and raised questions about his leadership and management of the city.

The resignation of top officials within the Adams administration, including former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg, has further fueled speculation about the extent of the scandals and their potential impact on City Hall’s credibility. As the investigations continue to unfold, Mayor Adams must navigate these turbulent waters and demonstrate a commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical governance to regain public confidence in his administration.


Mayor Eric Adams’ proactive response to the FDNY corruption scandal reflects his commitment to upholding integrity and accountability within City Hall. By distancing his administration from the indicted individuals and addressing the allegations head-on, Adams aims to ensure transparency and restore public trust in the government’s operations. As the federal investigations unfold and challenges persist, Mayor Adams must navigate these turbulent waters with resilience and a steadfast commitment to ethical governance to uphold the integrity of his office and the well-being of New York City residents.