
MTA Expands Traffic Enforcement Program on 20 New Bus Routes – Offending Drivers to Receive Warnings

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has recently expanded its Automated Camera Enforcement (ACE) program to an additional 20 bus routes in New York City, in an effort to crack down on drivers who illegally park or block bus stops. This initiative aims to improve bus performance and street safety, while also deterring repeat offenders through the issuance of warnings and summonses.

Expansion of ACE Program

Starting on September 16, 2024, the MTA began issuing warnings to drivers along 10 bus routes equipped with ACE cameras. These routes include the Bx28, Bx35, Bx38, B35, B41, B42, M101, Q43, S46, and S79-SBS. The ACE cameras automatically detect vehicles that are illegally parked or standing in bus lanes, capturing license plate numbers and sending warnings to drivers via mail.

The 60-day warning period allows drivers to become familiar with the ACE program and its enforcement measures before facing costly summonses. Once the warning period expires, drivers caught violating bus lane regulations will be fined starting at $50 for the first offense, with penalties increasing to $250 for repeat offenders.

Impact of ACE Program

The ACE program has already proven effective in improving bus performance and street safety along the routes where it is active. Buses equipped with ACE technology have seen a 5% increase in bus lane speeds, while collisions have decreased by 20%. Additionally, only 9% of drivers fined through ACE have committed a second bus lane violation, indicating a positive impact on compliance with regulations.

The MTA has partnered with the city’s Department of Transportation and Department of Finance to implement the ACE program, with plans to equip 1,000 buses in its fleet with ACE technology by the end of September. This expansion will further enhance enforcement efforts and ensure the program’s success in deterring illegal parking and blocking of bus stops.

Future Plans and Expansion

In the coming weeks, the MTA will add ACE technology to an additional 10 bus routes across the city, starting on September 30. These routes include Select Bus Service (SBS) routes such as the B82 in Brooklyn, Bx6 in the Bronx, Q53 in Queens, and M60, M79, and M86 in Manhattan. The warning period for these routes will begin on September 30, giving drivers a grace period to adjust to the enforcement measures.

The MTA’s continued expansion of the ACE program reflects its commitment to improving bus performance and enhancing street safety for both passengers and pedestrians. By targeting illegal parking and blocking of bus stops, the MTA aims to create a more efficient and reliable public transportation system for all New Yorkers.