
Pope Francis recently shared his thoughts on the upcoming U.S. presidential election, expressing his concerns about both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. The pontiff criticized both candidates for being “against life” due to their views on migrants and abortion, as reported by the Associated Press.

During a press conference aboard his papal airplane, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of voting according to one’s conscience and choosing the “lesser evil.” He did not mention Trump or Harris by name but urged American Catholics to carefully consider their choices in the election.

The pope highlighted the significance of welcoming migrants, stating that it is a right described in Scripture. He condemned those who do not follow the Biblical call to embrace strangers, referring to it as a “grave sin.” Additionally, Pope Francis spoke strongly against abortion, asserting that it is equivalent to killing a human being.

While Trump has advocated for mass deportations of migrants, Harris has been a vocal supporter of abortion rights. Pope Francis underscored the civic duty of voting and encouraged individuals to reflect on their decisions before casting their ballots in the election.

In response to a question about choosing between the “lesser evil” of the two candidates, the pope emphasized the importance of individual conscience in making such a decision. He urged voters to carefully weigh their options and act accordingly.

This isn’t the first time Pope Francis has commented on political issues related to the U.S. During the 2016 election, he criticized Trump’s plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, stating that anyone who constructs such barriers to keep out migrants is not embodying Christian values.

As the election approaches, Pope Francis’s remarks serve as a reminder of the moral considerations that should guide voters in selecting their preferred candidate. His call to choose the “lesser evil” underscores the complex decision-making process that individuals face when participating in democratic elections. Ultimately, the pope’s words highlight the importance of upholding values of compassion, justice, and respect for human life in the political sphere.