
The Rollei 35 film camera is making a comeback as the Rollei 35AF, and it’s better than ever. Mint, a photography company based in Hong Kong, announced the project to redesign and perfect the popular compact camera from the sixties two years ago. Now, after much anticipation, the camera is ready for the market, with preorders opening on September 10th for a little over 800 Euros. However, due to overwhelming demand, Mint had to close orders by September 12th to fulfill all orders in the coming months.

The original Rollei 35 was launched in 1966 by Rollei, a German company, as the smallest 35mm film camera of its time. Despite selling around 2 million units, the camera was known for being somewhat difficult to use, especially with its manual zone focus. Mint’s Rollei 35AF aims to address this issue with its autofocus system powered by a Lidar sensor. Additionally, the new camera features a 35mm F2.8-16 lens with a 5-element design, a departure from the original Rollei 35 models which had a 40mm F2.8 or F3.5 Zeiss lens.

Mint has focused on creating a lens that combines a nostalgic 1980-90s aesthetic with modern performance. Test pictures of the Rollei 35AF show that Mint has successfully achieved this goal, bringing back the classic look and feel of film photography. The launch of the Rollei 35AF comes at a time when there is a renewed interest in film photography, making it a timely and exciting release.

The success of Mint in bringing a redesigned Rollei camera to the market showcases the potential for reviving old film cameras with limited resources. This achievement also raises the possibility of other companies like Canon and Nikon following suit and investing in similar projects to bring back old camera models. With the right pricing and marketing strategy, these companies could not only recoup their development costs quickly but also benefit from the free advertising and brand recognition that such releases generate.

In conclusion, the Rollei 35AF is a testament to the enduring appeal of film photography and the innovative spirit of companies like Mint. By blending classic aesthetics with modern technology, Mint has created a camera that pays homage to the past while meeting the demands of contemporary photographers. The future looks bright for the Rollei 35AF and the possibilities it opens up for the world of analog photography.