
On October 7, 2023, a tragic event unfolded in southern Israel that forever changed the lives of many families. As families were celebrating the joyous holiday of Simchat Torah, Hamas terrorists launched a brutal attack that resulted in over 1,200 deaths and 251 individuals being taken hostage, with the majority being civilians. This day marked the deadliest for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Nine months have passed since the attack, and 120 hostages, including eight US citizens, remain in captivity. These individuals are not just numbers, they are our neighbors, colleagues, and friends. Among them are children separated from their families, grandparents torn from their loved ones, and foreign nationals who came to Israel for various purposes. Tragically, some hostages have been confirmed to have been murdered by Hamas, yet their bodies are being withheld, denying their families the closure of a proper burial and the opportunity to mourn.

In an effort to shed light on the stories of the hostages, we aim to profile many of the remaining 120 individuals held by Hamas in Gaza. Each person has a unique life, dreams, and a family anxiously waiting for their return. We start by highlighting the American hostages, including Itay Chen, Edan Alexander, and Omer Neutra, young men whose lives were tragically interrupted.

These stories are not just headlines or statistics; they are a call to our shared humanity. As you read about these individuals, we urge you to remember that each hostage is someone’s parent, spouse, or child. Ranging in age from 1 year young to 84 years old, their absence has left a void in the lives of countless others.

We are not here to dictate your thoughts or emotions. Instead, we ask that you read, reflect, and remember these stories. If they move you, share them. If you feel compelled, speak out. In a world that often moves quickly from one crisis to the next, we believe these individuals deserve more than to be just a passing headline.

Time is of the essence for those still held captive. Through sharing the stories of these 120 hostages, we aim to keep their plight at the forefront of our community’s consciousness. Because until every hostage is returned home, a part of all of us remains captive as well.

Jonathan Samerano: A Life Cut Short
Jonathan Samerano, affectionately known as “Yonati” by his friends, was a vibrant young man with a special connection to New York. Hailing from Tel Aviv, he had a magnetic personality that brought joy and laughter to those around him. His passion for music, particularly electronic tracks, led him to attend the Nova music festival where his life was tragically cut short by Hamas terrorists.

His family continues to fight for justice and raise awareness about the hostages and the scandal involving UNRWA. They call on people of conscience to join their cause and support their efforts to bring these individuals home.

Doron Steinbrecher: A Heartfelt Plea for Help
Doron Steinbrecher, a veterinary nurse with a passion for animals and people, was taken hostage by Hamas during the attack on Kibbutz Kfar Aza. His family is gravely concerned about his well-being, especially due to his serious hormonal health issue that requires daily medication.

His sister, Simona, urges the global community to unite in pressuring Hamas to release the hostages and agree to a ceasefire. The family waits anxiously for Doron’s return and calls on the world to support their fight for justice.

Uriel Baruch: A Legacy of Light and Love
Uriel Baruch, a construction materials supplier known for his infectious smile and love of music and dance, was brutally taken hostage by Hamas at the Nova music festival. His family continues to fight for his release and for the return of his body for a proper burial.

His family calls on the residents of New York to remember the remaining hostages, including eight Americans, and to stand with them in their quest for justice and closure.

Alon Ohel: A Musical Soul Lost to Tragedy
Alon Ohel, a gifted pianist with a contagious energy, was among the festival-goers who fell victim to the Hamas attack at Nova. His family continues to hold out hope for his return and organizes concerts near the Gaza border in his honor.

They call on music lovers, New Yorkers, and people around the world to join their fight for Alon’s release and the return of all the hostages.

Edan Alexander: A Story of Courage and Sacrifice
Edan Alexander, a dual US-Israeli citizen and IDF soldier, was taken hostage by Hamas during the attack on the border communities. His family awaits his return with open arms and calls on the people of New York to stand with them in their fight for justice.

His parents express their love for him and their unwavering belief that he will come back home to them.

Sagui Dekel-Chen: A Heroic Father and Defender
Sagui Dekel-Chen, a dual US-Israeli citizen and project manager, bravely defended his community during the Hamas invasion and was taken hostage in the process. His family awaits his return and calls on New Yorkers to support their efforts to bring him home.

His family celebrates the birth of his daughter, Shachar, as a beacon of hope in their darkest hour.

Judy Weinstein and Gad Haggai: A Story of Love and Loss
Judy Weinstein and Gad Haggai, a dual US-Israeli couple known for their dedication to their family and community, were tragically killed by Hamas on October 7th and their bodies taken hostage. Their family pleads for their return for a proper burial and closure.

Their children call on New Yorkers to stand against terror and fight for the release of all hostages, including their parents.

Itay Chen and Hersh Goldberg-Polin: A Tale of Resilience and Hope
Itay Chen, an IDF soldier, and Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a peace-loving world traveler, were both taken hostage by Hamas during the attack. Their families continue to fight for their release and call on the global community to support their efforts.

Their stories serve as a reminder of the resilience and hope that endure in the face of tragedy and loss.

Omer Neutra: A Young Life Interrupted
Omer Neutra, a dual US-Israeli citizen and IDF soldier, was kidnapped by Hamas during the attack on the border communities. His family remains hopeful for his return and urges New Yorkers to join them in their fight for justice.

As we remember the stories of these hostages and their families, let us stand together in solidarity and never forget the human cost of conflict and terrorism. Until every hostage is brought home, a part of all of us remains captive as well.