
Gen Z Voters’ Top Concerns in the 2024 Presidential Election: Insights from New Yorkers

As the 2024 presidential election draws near, a new generation of voters is gearing up to make their voices heard for the first time. Social and economic issues are at the forefront of their decision-making process, according to interviews conducted with newly eligible voters and political researchers. In particular, Gen Z voters in New York City are voicing their concerns and priorities as they prepare to cast their ballots.

Key Concerns of Gen Z Voters

For many young voters like Sonja Aibel, who will turn 18 this month, issues such as abortion access, climate change, and gun violence are top of mind when considering their choices at the polls. Aibel, a resident of Brooklyn, emphasized the importance of presidential and local candidates addressing the concerns of young people in their campaigns.

Similarly, a survey by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University revealed that climate change and gun violence are key concerns for individuals aged 18 to 34. Moreover, misinformation and political polarization were identified as major deciding factors for young voters in the upcoming election.

Economic Issues at the Forefront

Despite the significant focus on social issues, such as climate change and gun violence, among young voters, the CIRCLE survey highlighted that inflation, the cost of living, and job wages are the primary concerns for Gen Z voters in the 2024 presidential election. Alberto Medina, a spokesperson for CIRCLE, noted that while social issues garner attention due to the activism of young people, economic issues affecting the entire country remain a top priority for youth.

Medina also pointed out that young voters focused on social issues are more likely to vote compared to those prioritizing economic concerns. This trend may be attributed to the frequency with which candidates address social issues in their engagement with young voters. However, there is a clear need for greater outreach to young voters, as only 19% reported receiving information about politics and issues from candidates or campaigns by the end of 2023.

Desire for Reliable Information

The young voters interviewed in New York City expressed a strong desire for clearer and more reliable information, particularly in the age of widespread misinformation and disinformation on the internet and social media platforms. Shreeya Thakur, a resident of Sheepshead Bay, emphasized the importance of receiving proper information rather than relying on memes or trending topics.

Furthermore, Mukilan Muthukumar, from the Upper East Side of Manhattan, stressed the significance of environmental justice and economic mobility in his voting decisions. He highlighted the need for candidates and elected officials to genuinely represent young people’s concerns and engage with their policy recommendations.

Gen Z Voters’ Hopes and Expectations

As Gen Z voters in New York City gear up for their first presidential election, they are driven by a range of concerns and priorities. Ma-Sadio Faye, from Harlem, Manhattan, shared his experience of switching party registration to Democrat to participate in the primaries, emphasizing the importance of combating misinformation and disinformation in the electoral process.

Emmanuel Annan Jr., a resident of East New York, Brooklyn, reflected on the significance of voting as a means of voicing opinions and advocating for change. He expressed hope for a less polarized society where differing beliefs do not lead to fractured relationships.

In conclusion, Gen Z voters in New York City are poised to make a significant impact in the 2024 presidential election. Their concerns encompass a wide range of issues, from social justice to economic stability, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the challenges facing their generation and the country as a whole. As they prepare to cast their ballots, these young voters are calling for greater engagement, clearer information, and genuine representation from political candidates and elected officials.