Former President Trump has filed a lawsuit against CBS News for $10 billion, accusing the network of engaging in deceptive conduct during an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump’s attorneys claim that CBS engaged in partisan and unlawful acts of election interference through deceptive news editing in an attempt to influence the outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election, in which Trump is a leading candidate.

The lawsuit specifically references an interview segment on “60 Minutes” where Harris was asked about US-Israel relations. Critics accused CBS News of editing Harris’s response to make her appear more coherent and decisive, while Trump’s lawyers argue that the network’s actions misled the public and interfered with the democratic process.

Trump’s legal team had previously demanded that CBS release the full transcript of the interview, but the network refused, citing First Amendment rights. The lawsuit alleges that CBS distorted the interview to favor the Democratic Party and deceive viewers.

The lawsuit seeks $10 billion in damages, as well as attorneys’ fees and costs associated with the legal action. Trump is demanding a jury trial to address the alleged false and misleading acts of CBS News.

Critics of CBS News have called for transparency and the release of the full interview transcript to clarify the editing decisions made by the network. The lawsuit highlights the importance of accurate reporting and the potential impact of deceptive editing on public perception and the democratic process.

CBS News has not yet responded to requests for comment on the lawsuit. The legal battle between Trump and the network underscores the ongoing debate over media bias and the responsibility of news organizations to present information accurately and fairly.