A live alligator was recently discovered in a small creek in Rockland County, New York, leaving many people puzzled as to how it ended up there. The juvenile gator was rescued by the Haverstraw Police Department and taken to safety at the Hudson Valley Humane Society.

The police department received numerous comments on their Facebook post about the unusual discovery, with many speculating that the alligator may have been someone’s pet that was released into the creek. Despite the confusion surrounding the gator’s origins, the Bronx Zoo herpetologist confirmed that it is a healthy male of the species.

Thanks to the quick response and professionalism of the police officers, the alligator, now affectionately named Philippe, was transferred to Mark Perpetua’s Reptile Encounters in Saugerties, New York. This rescue mission prevented Philippe from becoming the star of an unusual dinner special at a local restaurant, as one commenter jokingly suggested.

The incident has sparked curiosity among local residents and wildlife experts alike, as alligators are not native to upstate New York. The mystery of how Philippe found his way into the creek remains unsolved, but for now, he is safe and sound in his new home at the sanctuary.

This unexpected encounter with a live alligator serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the potential dangers of releasing exotic animals into the wild. The story of Philippe’s journey from a creek in Rockland County to a reptile sanctuary in Saugerties is a fascinating tale of survival and resilience in the face of adversity.